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Former California Governor and movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger has admitted in the past to using PED's and in 2007 Sylvester Stallone was caught with vials of HGH at an Australian airport.

Costing up to $3,000 a month, HGH is legally allowed through a prescription in the United States, but is widely available on the black market or from friends in the know in most gyms.

USC professor and steroid expert Todd Schroeder told the magazine that when the body is in its 20s, gaining muscle definition is easy.

It is when they hit their 40s that the temptation to bulk up with PED's proves too great.

'If someone says, 'Hey, add PEDs to this workout,' you can get substantial changes very quickly,' said Schroeder.

Administered by the user with a hypodermic needle, PED's are taken either twice-daily or once a week.

However, with the massive controversy surrounding New York Yankee's star Alex Rodriguez's alleged use of PED's dominating the front pages, it is easy to see why Hollywood stars keep their use under wraps.

In 2007, in an embarrassing incident, Sylvester Stallone was caught bringing 48 vials of HGH into Australia.

And in 2008, rapper 50 Cent was named in connection with an ongoing steroid investigation in New York City.

Trainers told the Hollywood Reporter that studios are turning a blind eye to the practice and growth in use of PED's.

And more to the point, said that the studio's themselves might be to blame as they push actors to tight deadlines and demand peak physical condition.

'The pressure to perform in Hollywood is no different than it is in Major League Baseball," said nutritionist and performance coach Mike Dolce.

Lance Armstrong admitted to using PED's earlier this year while Alex Rodriguez has been dogged by accusations he took steroids for years

American film director, screenwriter, producer Oliver Stone has admitted to using HGH in the past as has Nick Nolte

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