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Confused about PCT? Let us help!

If you are considering a cycle of anabolic steroids or prohormones of any kind, then it is crucial that you read this entire article on post cycle therapy. Post cycle therapy is a process that involves specific compounds, nutrition, and often pharmaceutical drugs to help control levels of estrogen, re-regulate hormonal levels and get you back to normal after a cycle of prohormones/steroids. If you don’t have a good post cycle therapy planned ahead of time, you can face side effects like gyno, high blood pressure and even a loss of almost all the gains you made. This article will help you get an idea on what a good post cycle therapy looks like so that you can have a successful cycle as well as keep all your gains and stay healthy. Taking a SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) will help to control the effects of estrogen so you avoid gyno (bitch tits), help you maintain gains, and boost your testosterone levels. These are often pharmaceutical grade and work the best, but in some cases you can use an OTC product, especially if you took a very mild prohormone. Typically the stronger your cycle, the better your SERM needs to be. Remember, increased testosterone = increased estrogen levels. Keep that in mind when planning your PCT so you’ll stay balanced not only throughout your cycle but post cycle as well. The three most common and effective serms in order of recommendation is: 1. Nolvadex Aka Tamoxifen Citrate, Nolvadex is by far the most popular SERM when it comes to post cycle therapy and in my opinion your best option. Recommended dosing is 20-40 mg per day, and the length of time you use it depends on the strength of the cycle (see below). 2. Torem-fareston Toremifene citrate is similar to both clomid and nolvadex, and is popular by steroid and prohormone users alike as it not not only helps prevent gyno but may even increase testosterone levels. Although there are no human studies on the drug, because it works very closely to both Nolva and Clomid, the effects on testosterone would logically be the same. Recommended dosing is 60-100 mgs per day. 3. Clomid Also known as Clomiphene Citrate is probably the 2nd most popular option other than Nolvadex, and although the two are similar, Clomid is actually a weaker anti estrogen and needs to be dosed higher at 150 mg to achieve the same effect as Nolvadex. It’s very effective, but when factoring in cost, I’d go with Nolvadex or Torem any day when available. However, you can still buy Clomid for pretty cheap and it’s been proven throughout the years to be great in any PCT.

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